10 Week Mini Business School

Projected Topics for the 2020 FastTrac Class:
Date & Topic
23 January
Sizing Up Your Business
30 January
Exploring Growth Opportunities
6 February
Making Strategic Decisions
13 February
Strengthening the Product/Service
20 February
Using Financial Tools
27 February
Seizing the Market
5 March
Leading the Organization
12 March
Managing Operations and Growth
19 March
Charting Financial Performance
26 March
Graduation/Making It Happen
The Newberry Downtown Development Association, the City of Newberry, the Chamber of Commerce, Newberry County, and the Newberry Area Small Business Development Center, and Piedmont Technical College are all working in conjunction to bring FastTrac to Newberry in order to strengthen our local economy.
FastTrac: Business School for Entrepreneurs
If you own your own business, you know much of your day is spent putting out the hottest fire, solving the biggest crisis, or oiling the squeakiest wheel. So often small business owners feel their business runs them, rather than the other way around. While most entrepreneurs love what they do and are very proud of what they have built, most will readily admit it is hard to find time in the day to step back from the daily chaos and think about how to grow their business strategically.
Newberry Downtown Development Association (NDDA) will host FastTrac, a 10-week educational program empowering entrepreneurs with skills to increase revenue and grow their businesses.
FastTrac will be led by Tom Ledbetter, President and CEO of Next Phase Management LLC, and a top-ranked FastTrac facilitator. Guest speakers, scheduled for each session, will contribute by sharing knowledge, expertise, and personal anecdotes. The projected topic list is in the chart below.
INFORMATIONAL SESSION: Dec 5, 2019 at the NDDA Offices, 1216 Main Street (Carpenter Building)
Dates of program: (Weekly on Thursdays) January 23 - March 26, 2020
6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Location: Piedmont Technical College, 1922 Wilson Road, Newberry, SC 29108
Participation fee: $175.00 per business, with a max of 2 people from each business
(Maximum businesses will be capped at 20)
A Special THANK YOU to our sponsors:
Class of 2018 FastTrac Graduates:
Newberry Chamber of Commerce™
Newberry Opera House™
Bear Arms Crossfit™
Newberry Corner Scoop™ – opened The Aviator™
Car Baby™ – launched Bike Baby
Genesis Hub™ – expanded location
Newberry Community Players™
Grille on Main™
Saluda River Resort™
EMILY Revolutionary Marketing Group™
Class of 2020 FastTrac Graduates:
Matthew and Kelly Loignon, Persimmon Hill Farm™
Jason and Tia Devette, Wonderfully Maid Goods™
Andrew and Bethany Green, Andrew Green LLC™
Brandi Worth and Debbie Graham, Martin Street Beer Parlor™
Chuck and Joanna Higgens, Buffalo Creek Marina™
Denise Graham, Joy Ride™
Loyd Ramsey, SeaGrapes Exumas™
Connie Benton, The Benton House LLC™
Marguerite Gerard, Bike Baby™
Jane Wyatt and Susan Dorton, Newberry Yoga™
Amy and Richard Burke, Salon Three™
Sheridan Murray, The Newberry Museum
Marquerite Palmer and Sharon Graham, Newberry Arts Center