Become a Member

Membership Benefits:
Continuing Education: FastTrac, First Fridays
Advocacy for Downtown businesses and citizens
Networking partnerships with the City of Newberry, Newberry County Chamber of Commerce, Newberry Business Alliance, Newberry Country Young Professionals, Newberry Opera House, Newberry Community Players, Newberry College, and other organizations.
​Liaison between downtown and town Government Crisis, Emergency, Disaster Preparedness
Listing on NDDA website
Advertising ​(WKDK, Newberry Magazine, The State)
Marketing sponsor opportunities
Promotion on Social Media and through Downtown events, including Groove 'n Brew, First Fridays, Spring & Holiday Open Houses, and Party in the Park summer concert series
The Newberry Downtown Development Association (NDDA) meets TBD Meetings are open to all and all are invited!

Still Not Sure?
Come to our next meeting, meet the community and ask as many questions as you want!